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RCLab october2022

RCLab june2022

TIGS 2021

RCLab october2022
October 2024: Congrats Dr Karla Cervantes-Gracia, PhD#8
April 2024: Congrats Dr Anna Gramalla-Schmitz, PhD#7
March 2024: Congrats Nefin Yaganoglu, MSc#13
December 2023: Congrats Dr Ala'a Al Hrout, PhD#6.
November 2023: Thank you Gebert Rüf Stiftung-Innobooster for funding EVIIVE.
November 2023: Congrats Julian, Anna, and Paulina on the new NAR paper.
October 2023: Congrats Kevin, Olga, and Ala'a on the new AHM paper.
September 2023: Thank you BRIDGE-SNF for funding Kevin via EVIIVE.
July 2023: Congrats Kevin on your newborn; first lab baby.
June 2023: Congrats Dr Julian Weischedel, PhD#5.
May 2023: Congrats Irem on the SNF-SE grant and Ala'a on the Front Imm paper
May 2023: Thanks SNF for the recent SNF-Weave grant in collaboration with NRF and Krishnan Anand (SA)
February 2023: Welcome Nefin.
January 2023: Welcome Irem, Jessica, and Luiza.
January 2023: Thank you Venture Kick for the translational funds.
October 2022: Thank you SNSF for the project grant support.
September 2022: Farewell Emiel and Jitte.
August 2022: Thank you Novartis Foundation for the grant support
July 2022: Congrats Rikke on the NAR paper
July 2022: Thank you WIRM 2022 for the Biolegend Talk Prize.
​June 2022: Congrats Dr Kevin Yim, PhD#4.
May 2022: Congrats Ala'a & Karla on the Sci Rep paper.
April 2022: Welcome Jitte.
March 2022: Congrats Kevin & Simone on the J Ex Bio paper
January 2022: Our Covid-19 work is now in preprint and featured in medical news outlets
January 2022: Welcome Olga. Farewell Giacomo. Congrats Karla on Frontiers paper
December 2021: Welcome Emiel and farewell Ojaswi.
November 2021: Congrats Paulina & Sally on the BioPotocol paper
September 2021: Congrats Kevin on the BioMedTech fellowship
August 2021: Welcome Aitziber & Kristina. Farewell Agshin & Simone. Congrats Karla, Anna, & Julian on the TIGs paper
July 2021: Welcome to our summer intern Giacomo. Congrats Karla on the Methods Mol Biol paper
June 2021: Farewell Sarah & Tirawit
March 2021: Congrats Rikke & Kevin on the Frontiers paper
February 2021: Welcoming the new year with 2 Msc interns Tirawit and Sarah
January 2021: Congrats Dr Laura Reffo, PhD#3.
December 2020: Congrats Dr Rikke B. Morrish, PhD#2.
October 2020: Congrats to Teresa for her new appointment as Assistant Prof at U of Udine.
July 2020: Kickstarting the post-covid lockdown by welcoming Dr Simone Borgoni to the lab
March 2020: Covid inflicted lab hiatus
January 2020: Starting the new year by welcoming Dr Teresa Gagliano to our group
December 2019: The lab receives a generous SNF-SPARK award
November 2019: Kevin is generously supported by a Rosetrees Trust Fund award
October 2019: Welcome to Agshin who is starting his Master project with us shortly
September 2019: Welcome to Karla who is starting her CONACYT funded PhD studies
July 2019: Another proud publication from Rikke's PhD work
June 2019: A proud publication from Emily's PhD work
June 2019: Welcome to Nefin who is starting a Swiss Mobility summer internship
June 2019: Welcome to Anna and Kevin who've started their PhD studies
March 2019: Julian gets Awarded a 3y Swiss Excellence Scholarship to support his studies
February 2019: Welcome to the BIO431 block coarse cohort: Laura/Rahel and Jasmin/Amara
February 2019: Congrats Dr Emily Sheppard, PhD#1.
January 2019: Excited to welcome the PhD students Ala'a and Julian to Zurich
September 2018: Excited to initiate our lab move to the Institute of Experimental Immunology, U of Zurich
March 2018: Welcome to Sally (postdoc)
October 2017: 3 new exciting opportunities to join us: PhD (MRC and BBSRC) and Postdoctoral positions.
September 2017: Welcome to Miriam Lohr (Erasmus Student - Germany) and Alex Smith (UG Exeter)
September 2017: Kevin Joins the lab on a international MRes studentship from Hong Kong.
June 2017: What an amazing inaugural Living Systems Institute symposium headlined by Sir Paul Nurse
January 2017: We've successfully moved to the new and spacious Living Systems Institute.
October 2016: Great news!!! Our lab will be relocating shortly to the newly built Living Systems Institute.
September 2016: Laura Joins the lab on a Wellcome/AMS funded PhD studentship.
September 2016: Ina, Isabel, and Rebecca join the lab as UG project students.
June 2016: Luke joins the lab on a funded summer placement.
May 2016: Congrats to Emily on her successful intership application at the Immunological Society.
May 2016: The Lab has been awarded a generous BBSRC-NI grant.
April 2016: Congrats to Rikke on her Genetics Society travel award to attend the Cold Spring Harbor meeting.
April 2016: The Lab has been awarded a generous Wellcome Trust-AMS springboard award.
February 2016: Congrats to Praveena for being awarded the Quintiles Women in Science prize.
December 2015: If interested, please apply to a MRC-DTP funded PhD studentship (DL 01/13/2016)
October 2015: If interested, please apply to a BBSRC-DTP funded PhD studentship (DL 9/11/2016)
October 2015: Annie, Hannah, Rachel, and Tam join the lab as UG project students.
October 2015: The lab is awarded an SDF-Exeter grant.
September 2015: Rikke Morrish is awarded an EPSRC-Biosciences studentship to pursue her PhD in the lab.
September 2015: Laurence Higgins becomes a PhD candidate
August 2015: Angelina Block joins the lab as an Erasmus Student from Germany
June 2015: The lab has been granted a 2-year Royal Society Exchange Grant
February 2015: New paper from the lab published in PNAS
January 2015: Rikke joins the lab as an MRes student
October 2014: Alasdair, Ashley, Joelle, Leo, Phoebe, Tom, and Yusman started their UG projects in the lab
September 2014: Emily joins the lab as a BBSRC-funded PhD student
September 2014: Laurence joins the lab as an MRes student
June 2014: Yusman and Leo join the lab as summer students.
June 2014: Praveena joins the lab as an INSPIRE-funded student.
May 2014: Hugo joins the lab as an MSc student.
March 2014: The lab has been granted a Royal Society starter grant.
2014: We are recruiting: 1) Postdocs seeking to co/apply for external funding; 2) Graduate students with experience; & 3) Undergraduates students. Contact us for details.
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